Saturday, October 20, 2007

Mounds, Oklahoma School Fire

All day today there have been sirens heard coming into Mounds from every direction. Towns like Beggs, Kiefer, Sapulpa, Liberty, Mounds, etc. and have sent their firefighters and equipment to help Mounds firemen battle the blaze at Mounds Elementary School all day long. It is a complete and total loss with the roof laying on the crumbled walls. We went Saturday evening to look and there is nothing left to salvage. There are still fires visible inside that can't be reached yet. It was amazing that the American flag was still flying even though it was just a few feet south from the main entrance to the school. Come Monday morning, or even all next week, it isn't sure what elementary kids will do. They may have to pay back some school days into June or July! It has been suggested that they may be bused to towns around Mounds or possibly bringing portable quad classrooms here. You can imagine the loss and the trauma these small kids feel in losing all their familiar surroundings. I'm sure they will all need new books, desks, chairs, files, computers, every type media, supplies, every machine imaginable to get back up and running. Anything that anyone has that could be donated would probably be appreciated at this time. Other schools always have extra out-dated things that get auctioned off, donated or trashed, but Mounds may welcome the offers! If anyone has anything to do at all with other schools, colleges or maybe office and school suppliers, please spread the word around about this disaster, and contact the Mounds Board of Education ASAP if they can help at all.

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