Saturday, August 7, 2010

School Time!

It's back to school time again.  Whether you are a high school student, college student or parent, read on for some tips on how to make that college application sail right through.

Start with a plan!
You can't plan early enough when it comes to college.  Many of the best universities require that you have a high GPA and are well rounded in academics, sports, music, school clubs, and community service. In order to ensure that you have the requirements, you need to know which schools you want to attend.  Once you have your list, do your research!  Know what is required at each school.  Don't forget your school guidance counselor.  They can help you understand all the rules and requirements and give you great suggestions on which courses and clubs will help you achieve your goal.  In addition, remember to take the proper school entrance exam.

Competition Counts...
Don't think that you have to be the perfect student in order to get into a top school.   Be a competitor.  Do the best you can in every class but also remember not to take it too easy.  Take an honors class or a class that is more challenging and do your best in it. Also, begin to focus your course and extracurricular activities on an area that you love and in a field that you want to major.  It is often better to do one thing really well than to do many things halfheartedly.  Oh, and don't forget to take your SAT exam.

Finish with a Bang.
For High School Seniors, it is easy to let things slide a bit.  Don't lose focus and intensity!  You are almost there but it is important not to let the excitement of graduation get you off course.  Now is the time to focus on your essay and finals.  Make sure your essay is well written and on topic.  Don't wait to the last minute!  Start your essay early so that you have plenty of time to read and edit. 

When applying to schools, make sure you select more than one.  There will probably be your dream school, but it is important to also apply to several others as well.  Make sure that you are accepted and can complete your education.  If your top choice doesn't accept you, don't give up hope.    Consider enrolling in one of the colleges that did accept you and work toward the goal of transferring to your dream school in a year or two. And, if your dream school said no, ask them why!  Knowing this information can help you work toward a successful transfer later.

To buy or sell a home in the Bixby, OK area, contact Kelly Howard of McGraw Realtors at 918-230-6341 or

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