Thursday, October 28, 2010

Prepare Your Landscaping for Winter

With the chilly weather in the air here in the Bixby, OK area and near freezing overnight temperatures, landscaping is one of the last things most of us think about. As winter approaches, however, there are things that need to be done in order to prepare our landscape for Winter and Spring. Christine Zibas, in the article "Preparing Your Garden for Winter" mentions several things to do to prepare your landscape for the cold weather.

  1. Leaves- clean up all the leaves in your yard. If you compost, add the leaves to your compost pile. You can also mulch them and add them to your soil.
  2. Plants- get rid of any diseased or pest ridden plants now. Don't wait until Spring arrives.
  3. Soil- test your soil now and add fertilizer or nutrients. Fertilizer takes plenty of time to get into the soil.
  4. Storage- store furniture and unused pots to avoid extra wear during the cold weather.
  5. Bulbs- plants bulbs indoors and use for decor over the holidays. Some outdoor bulbs can be planted, just know that temperatures and possible snowy conditions can affect many bulbs. Make sure that you know the conditions needed for the bulbs you will be planting.
  6. Cuttings- now is the perfect time to get any cuttings you want of your favorite outdoor plants.
Need help with preparing your Bixby, OK landscaping? Contact Nathan Vaughn of Bluum Outdoor at 918-599-8500 or

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